
Registering a company in Burkina Faso

Registering a company in Burkina Faso

When registering your individual enterprise, you can register as a trader or entrepreneur. The process takes about 25 days.

Here are the steps you'll need to do before becoming a trader in Burkina Faso:

  • Get the residence tax assessment notice - you can request and pick up the forms at the Regional Tax Directorate of the Center. The submission process takes only ten minutes. The residence tax cost will vary depending on where you live and averages around CFA 6,250. You will receive a receipt once you've paid it.
  • Get a certified copy of the ID - you will need to purchase three stamps in the total value of CFA 11,100, which amounts to slightly over $20. The process is conducted in the Town Hall of the district you're in.
  • Obtain a certificate of identity and residence - also conducted at the Town Hall. If you've already purchased all three stamps, this step will cost you nothing.
  • Request an extract from the criminal record - associated costs are CFA 600 for two extracts you will need, and they are obtained at Ouagadougou Court of appeal.
  • Obtain a business license - The forMer you'll need to fill out costs CFA 1,210, and you can pick it up at the Maison de l'Entreprise du Burkina Faso. Applicants can wait up to 15 days to get the approval of the business license.
  • Merchant registration - You will need to provide proof of payment of merchant fees of CFA 40,500 for all formalities of the registration process. Bring all the original documents and stamps you've already obtained, as well as proof of payment of all residence and identity certificate taxes.

Pick up your merchant registration document - After a period of up to three days, go to the business formalities center (CEFORE) at the Maison de l'Entreprise du Burkina Faso, bring a receipt for filing the registration and some form of ID. Picking up the form shouldn't cost any money

Useful Link

1. Creerenterprise

Provides an Electronic process for company registration in Burkina Faso.

2. Business Procedures Burkina:

Business Procedures seeks to provide Clear procedures to facilitate investments in Burkina.


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